"There is no better friend than a sister. And there is no better sister than you." -unknown author
Lacie's birthday was on November 3rd, and Natalie's is TODAY! I had to give a little shout out to my favorite girls ever and tell them how much I LOVE them. I'm the typical younger sister that has always wanted to be JUST like my older sisters. Dress like them, talk like them, act like them... to the point where it probably drove them crazy many times as we were growing up... but not much has changed since we were young, I still want to be JUST like both of them. They are such wonderful examples of amazing wives.. incredible mothers.. and just pure, kind people. Love you Lace & Nat
T- TALENTED Especially when it comes to crafts!
A- AMAZING Such a cute mother and wife... really well-balanced person
L- LOVES LIFE Always happy, and can change anyone's bad mood into a good one!
I- INTELLIGENT So fun to have a conversation with b/c she always a little about everything
E- EXCITING Always excited about whatever she is doing, makes everything sound exciting!

L-LAUGH Went she gets laughing she makes everyone else laugh bc she gets so out of control
A- ACCEPTING The least judge-mental person I know. Always can see the good in people.
C- CREATIVE Decorates her house SO cute, makes amazingly cute cards, never-ending crafts!
I- INTENSE We give her a hard time about being intense.. but its part of her "perfectionist" personality... a quality I could definitely take more upon myself!
E- EXCEPTIONAL Straight A's through high school and most of college, everything she does she does it exceptionally well!
LOVE MY SISTERS, you truely are my best friends in the whole world!! HOPE YOU HAVE WONDERFUL BIRTHDAYS!!
You are so cute, Katie. I love this post! I wish I had sisters to love like you love yours. :)
Sisters are truly the GREATEST!!! I love reading your posts Kate, I always get a good laugh. You Huls girls are so dang BEAUTIFUL!!!!
Such a cute post Katie, You girls are so pretty!
It makes me a little jealous (in a good way) since I have no sisters, but great sisters-in-law. You and your sisters are all beautiful!
Kate! So cute. I love the thing you did for their names. You are s clever. Sure do love ya!
Aren't sisters the best? Gotta love em.
All I can say is CHECK OUT THAT HAIR! on all three of you...beautiful curls everytime!
The Huls girls are so cute.
To make the header, go to scrapblog.com and make an account. Then, you can just make your header and save it, then publish it and save it as a jpeg file. Then, when you go into the place where you can customize your blog, you can use the jpeg file as your header. Does that make sense? If you need any further help, let me know! :)
So fun! I don't know where I would be without my sisters! It sounds like the same for you :)
There's nothing like a sister! That was a really sweet post--you and your sisters are lucky to have each other!
You are such amazingly beautiful sisters! Not just looks either! What a sweet tribute to your older sisters. Aren't sisters the best? Please with them both a Happy Birthday from me! Wish I lived close enough to you all to rub shoulders more with you.
I don't get to follow your blog as often as I'd like to, but when I do, I'm always so impressed with your relationship with your husband. I love the way you talk about him. You're a great couple!
Thanks for your kind comments on my blog. It's a good reminder to check out your fun blog! I've always loved your family!
Those are really cute pictures of you and your sisters, you all look so gorgeous, definitely genetic. It sounds like you have some amazing sisters. Sisters really are the BEST!!!
Sisters are so great! You were blessed with two pretty special ones too! I've always thought you three were so fun and cute together!
I would have to agree with you, sister are amazing. i love all the pictures they are so much fun.
i love havings sisters. they r seriously the best. my favorite sister quote is "i smile because you are my sister. i laugh because there is nothing you can do about it."
Sisters are the best right?! :) You girls are SO fun!
Happy Birthday girls!!!
You and your sisters are gorgeous!!! I'm SO glad to see you have a tight bond with them. How fun!!!!
Sisters are the best huh? This was such a nice post. I just love my sisters too, I'm so close to them now, I dunno what I would do without them. You guys all look so pretty in all your pictures!
Holy Moly! 18 comments, I'm happy when I get 1. You have a million people that love ya! I read your comment on Whit's blog. I wrote that you and Jeremey need to get crackin so we can hang out with our kids. I'm kidding all in good time. But you know you guys will have beautiful children. You owe it to society to have at least ten!! :)
Katie I couldn't find your email on here. so go to my blog and I will have pictures up!
Let me know if you saw it!
what a nice tribute to your sista's aren't they your best friends in the world! I know mine are!
I LOVE your header and backdrop!!
You are so great Kate!! Glad we are sisters too, just not as lucky to share the name :)
Ooh goody . . . I love seeing pictures of those crazy Hulsy-Huls sisters. And you guys must be true, because you have secret kooky sister sayings like the Coony-Coons. Cute stuff, Katie.
That is so sweet about your sisters. Sisters are the best aren't they? I just love mine.
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