Thanks for the HUSBAND TAG Mandy... I'll take any excuse to talk about my sweet friend! Some people say that blogging before you have kids is kinda lame.. but I think thats crazy... when I have someone this great in my life.. why not share it with others, and more importantly.. just record it in some way for him to read and hopefully for our kids to read someday! And I am by no means trying to make him sound perfect and flawless, because obviously he's not... but to me, he's as close as it gets, I really am the luckiest girl in my mind, and I truly hope that every girl feels that way... or will feel that way one day! I've defenitly seen him at his "worst"... but love him more than anything in this world even through those times he drives me absotutley crazy... okay maybe not "through" those times.. but I'm quickly reminded right after those times ;) jk
How could I not be crazy in love with this face! And he really is a perfect example of being as cute inside as he is outside! He makes me want to be better in ways I didn't even know I needed to be better. Love him so much. Hope that wasn't too juicy for ya'll.
These last two pictures you can probably tell are in the car... this is the biggest joke between us right now.. he is not a huge fan of pictures, and thinks I take entirely too many, so every time we get in the car now I take his picture as I'm laughing so hard because I know how bad he hates it... so now he won't ever make a normal face.

1. What is his name? Jeremy Lance Call.."sweet friend of mine"
2. Who eats more? He does
3. Who said I love you first? Um him... and I replied "Thank you".... yes, it was as awkward as you are imagining... I was just real nervous I guess. But I said it about a week later!
4. Who is taller? Jeremy, only by a few inches
5. Who is smarter? He is with "business" stuff, I probably am with "science/medical" stuff
6. Who is more sensitive? Definetly me.. but I'm working on him, and he's getting more and more sensitive all the time.
7.Who does the laundry? We both do, but during the week I have to admit he does it more than me while I'm at work! He is the best house wife ever!... even though he has school and a job too. I think he is pretty unique that way and recognize I'm pretty darn lucky, LOVE HIM!
8. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Jeremy, he makes me sleep closest to the door in case someone where to break in to our bedroom, they would get me first. Okay thats a lie
9. Who pays the bills? He does.
10. Who cooks more? Um.. between the laundry and the cooking this is going to make me sound like the worst wife ever, but he cooks AS MUCH as me, but not more.. its pretty equal. I just can't make a grilled cheeser like he can!
11. What meals do you cook together? Grilled cheese and tomato soup... I "make" the soup, he makes the cheesers, because he is so particular on how they are done ;)
12. Who is more stubborn? We are both stubborn and strong-willed, but we both have a hard time staying stubborn on any topic for too long with each other
13. Who is the first to admit they're wrong? Jeremy wrong... NEVER! HA! I'm kidding he's not that bad at all.. but it is a joke between us, he'll make something up to make it sound like he knows what he is talking about even if he doesn't.. I guess its the salesman in him. We are both pretty good with "taking turns admiting we are wrong".
14. Who has more siblings? Me, I have 5, he has 2
15. Who wears the pants in the relationship? I use to think I did when we were dating, but "wearing the pants" takes so much energy, so he takes a leg of the pants and I take the other I guess. It's fun sharing pants ;)
16. What do you like to do together? Work out, play basketball, tennis, vacation, take drives, shop for home decor (even though we don't have a home of our own), play the WII (ask him who always wins tennis.. booyah!)
17. Who eats more sweets? Now there's a toss up. We are both sweet-freaks
18. Guilty pleasures? Watching re-runs of the OC, old school 90210, and Save By the Bell.
19. How did you meet? At the ISU institute, and right after I met him I told my whole hygiene class and my mom I was going to marry him even though he didn't even ask for my number! ... he did a couple days later... and 2 1/2 years later... that statement came true ;) He is the most patient/persistant person I know, and I'm SOOO grateful for that!!
20. Who asked who out first? He asked me.. not near as soon as I wanted him to though.
21. Who kissed who first? He snuck in for a smooch and it totally surprised me... it was about 3 months after our first date so I wasn't expecting it... but was the greatest suprise of all time! I can still remember it like it was yesterday.. one of the most memorable moments of my whole life.. I know cheesy, but girls... those lips are MAGIC
22. Who proposed? Him. It was PERFECT! On the beach in New Port California when the sun was setting. He had his friends write "I LOVE KATE" in the sand and he asked me right by it.
23. His best features? ALL OF HIM> Incredible EYES, love his calves, and his sweet hands. He is just a pot full of yummy.
24. What is his greatest quality? He can always see the positive in any situation, one of his classic statements is "at the end of the day, what really matters?" And he never talks bad about people!
25. Tagged? Heather (BIRD) , Erin Guymon, Kate Ball
1. What is his name? Jeremy Lance Call.."sweet friend of mine"
2. Who eats more? He does
3. Who said I love you first? Um him... and I replied "Thank you".... yes, it was as awkward as you are imagining... I was just real nervous I guess. But I said it about a week later!
4. Who is taller? Jeremy, only by a few inches
5. Who is smarter? He is with "business" stuff, I probably am with "science/medical" stuff
6. Who is more sensitive? Definetly me.. but I'm working on him, and he's getting more and more sensitive all the time.
7.Who does the laundry? We both do, but during the week I have to admit he does it more than me while I'm at work! He is the best house wife ever!... even though he has school and a job too. I think he is pretty unique that way and recognize I'm pretty darn lucky, LOVE HIM!
8. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Jeremy, he makes me sleep closest to the door in case someone where to break in to our bedroom, they would get me first. Okay thats a lie
9. Who pays the bills? He does.
10. Who cooks more? Um.. between the laundry and the cooking this is going to make me sound like the worst wife ever, but he cooks AS MUCH as me, but not more.. its pretty equal. I just can't make a grilled cheeser like he can!
11. What meals do you cook together? Grilled cheese and tomato soup... I "make" the soup, he makes the cheesers, because he is so particular on how they are done ;)
12. Who is more stubborn? We are both stubborn and strong-willed, but we both have a hard time staying stubborn on any topic for too long with each other
13. Who is the first to admit they're wrong? Jeremy wrong... NEVER! HA! I'm kidding he's not that bad at all.. but it is a joke between us, he'll make something up to make it sound like he knows what he is talking about even if he doesn't.. I guess its the salesman in him. We are both pretty good with "taking turns admiting we are wrong".
14. Who has more siblings? Me, I have 5, he has 2
15. Who wears the pants in the relationship? I use to think I did when we were dating, but "wearing the pants" takes so much energy, so he takes a leg of the pants and I take the other I guess. It's fun sharing pants ;)
16. What do you like to do together? Work out, play basketball, tennis, vacation, take drives, shop for home decor (even though we don't have a home of our own), play the WII (ask him who always wins tennis.. booyah!)
17. Who eats more sweets? Now there's a toss up. We are both sweet-freaks
18. Guilty pleasures? Watching re-runs of the OC, old school 90210, and Save By the Bell.
19. How did you meet? At the ISU institute, and right after I met him I told my whole hygiene class and my mom I was going to marry him even though he didn't even ask for my number! ... he did a couple days later... and 2 1/2 years later... that statement came true ;) He is the most patient/persistant person I know, and I'm SOOO grateful for that!!
20. Who asked who out first? He asked me.. not near as soon as I wanted him to though.
21. Who kissed who first? He snuck in for a smooch and it totally surprised me... it was about 3 months after our first date so I wasn't expecting it... but was the greatest suprise of all time! I can still remember it like it was yesterday.. one of the most memorable moments of my whole life.. I know cheesy, but girls... those lips are MAGIC
22. Who proposed? Him. It was PERFECT! On the beach in New Port California when the sun was setting. He had his friends write "I LOVE KATE" in the sand and he asked me right by it.
23. His best features? ALL OF HIM> Incredible EYES, love his calves, and his sweet hands. He is just a pot full of yummy.
24. What is his greatest quality? He can always see the positive in any situation, one of his classic statements is "at the end of the day, what really matters?" And he never talks bad about people!
25. Tagged? Heather (BIRD) , Erin Guymon, Kate Ball
That's such a fun tag. It's fun to hear about your husband. You guys are such a fun couple and I don't think it's lame to blog before you have kids. I enjoy reading about you guys.
That was cool to learn a little about your hubby! You can really tell how much you love eachother--I think that's awesome!
Fun to see how much you guys love each other. Your both very lucky to have each other, and I love the phrase "pot full of yummy"! HAHAH!
Lover birds! I am SO excited you found each other. I can truly tell you are happy and in love.
Sounds like you found your self a real keeper. :)
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