My sister-in-law JEN and I have been talking about going up to the canyon and taking family pictures for the last couple of months, and finally went and did it last week. She has a really nice camera and we got some gorgeous pictures of their family and she took a few of Jeremy and I as well... these are just with my camera, so they don't look near as good as the ones on her camera, but she had some great places picked out to go take pictures. I LOVE THE FALL! And I love pictures... I would love to get into photography, and have told Jeremy that a million times.. I need to just start it as a hobby! I'll post some of the nicer ones from her camera when I get them from her.
TAGGED.. I was tagged by Lacie and Jen Barlow.... so I'm just going to combine the two ;)
1: JOHNNY CARINOS (Italian Nachos.. am I drooling??)
2: McDONALDS... I know, pretty freak'n ghetto, but nothing beats a good 10 piece chicken nuggett drenched in sweet and sour sauce, a good ole traditional hamburger with extra pickles, fries, and the whole deal topped off with a light lemonade
4. BLACK JACK PIZZA.... any pizza for that matter as long as there is ranch to dip it in!!
5. RUTH'S CHRIS STEAKHOUSE- I'm not the biggest meat-eater, but this place could seriously turn me into a meat-a-tarian (I know thats not a word, but you know what I mean, and it describes it perfectly in my mind!)
6. CHUCK-0-RAMA.. makes me laugh just to put this one on the list... my sister also listed this one as one of her fav's... its a family favorite, and kind of a family joke, but none the less, no one can argue that a buffett just sometimes hits the spot!
We honestly don't watch very much TV and I don't have shows I follow really regularly.. but these are a few I like to catch occasionally
1. SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE- sometimes I pretend I'm on the show or auditioning for it, but I got a really bad carpet burn at my parents house the last time I was "auditioning" in their family room, so I've taken a few months off ;)
4. ANIMAL PLANET- I was an animal in another life, sometimes I think I was some sort of small dog, but other times I get the feeling I was a sea creature, like a dolphin... LOVE dolphins! I can watch the animal planet for hours... its Jeremy's trade off for me letting him watch so much football and baseball
5. COLD CASE FILES- I stole this one also from my sister, its kinda wierd we like these shows so much, because they are so freaky, and it usually gives me nightmares, but they really are addicting! That makes my family sound kinda psycho doesn't it??!!
6. AMERICAS NEXT TOP MODEL- I know.. shallow
7. Football games- I don't crave watching football, but I've actually really come to enjoy it just because Jeremy likes it so much.
8. DEAL or NO DEAL- I have actually filled out an application to be on this show, but haven't made a video that is required for it yet! I haven't seen it in a while, but there for a while I was LOV'N it. My heart pounds and my palms get all sweaty just watching the contestants!!
1. We went to FRIGHTMARES at Lagoon with friends from Poky.. SO FUN
2. Took pictures of my brother's family in the canyon and they took some of us
3. Had our good friends, Chels and Gord stay with us for 2 nights
4. We bought a new camera... since I dropped ours on a rock and broke the zoom... oops!
5. Went to Jeremy's end of the year work party in Salt Lake
6. Went shopping at the Gateway and went to my favorite store.. ANTHROPOLOGIE... and bought a fantabulous hat.. I will post a picture soon.. it was a fun purchase! Just wish I could afford more in there because the sytle of that store is to die for!
7. Jeremy came home from school with roses and candy for me.. just because.. love that FRIEND!
8. Made some magnets my sister taught me to make.. and made a few cards
1. To eventually live closer to my family and Jeremy's family, especially when we start having kids- I know we are only 4 hours away, but that is 4 hours too far when the fun is happening without us ;)
2. To be on So You Think You Can Dance- even though my only moves are the roger rabbit and the worm... but they have been perfected over the years.. believe me!
3. In all seriousness... to be a better friend, wife, sister, daughter, and person in general.. but I guess this doesn't have to be on my wish list.. I just need to do it!
4. Complete a full triathlon.. I better learn to do more than a doggy pattle and back stroke for the swim I guess! I did a SMALL sprint triathlon and LOVED it, I can't even imagine the sense of accomplishment that would come with doing a full!
5. To go skydiving BEFORE I have kids!
6. To travel the world with my sweet husband- HAWAII then Paris are first on our list!
7. To have Mark Consuelos give me a little kiss on the cheek... just a harmless kiss on the cheek like a brother would to a sister.... Jeremy wouldn't mind... he would acutally like to give his wife Kelly Ripa a little smooch himself! ;)
8. To be a mom someday... and to be as great of a mom as all the women in my life are to their sweet children.. MY MOM, my sisters, my sister-in-laws, my mother-in-law, and all my friends! What perfect examples I have to make this wish come true!!
1. Seeing what our kids will look like (will they have a gonzo nose???? will they have snake-head toe feet like me??? will they have Jeremy's sweet dimples and eyes???? ), and seeing Jeremy as a father
2. Having Jeremy done with school and settled in a career
3. Having a house of our own so I can get a puppy.. and getting a new guest bed (mattress) so our guests won't have to make excuses not to stay with us because of our concrete bed.
4. CHRISTMAS!! Gives me butterflies just thinking about christmas time
5. Having the snow melt.. oh yeah.. there is no snow on the ground yet, but I'm already looking forward to it being gone!
6. Getting a pedicure for the cruise this week... lets get on it Jenna!~
7. Gettting together with old friends and making new ones!
8. Seeing my own kids get married in the temple! My whole family and Jeremy's whole family were able to be in the temple with us as we were sealed. What an amazing thing, and what compliment to both of our parents to have each and everyone of their kids in the temple together!
I apoligize for any spelling errors or things that don't makes sense.. I'm too tired to proof read, and the spell check doesn't work on this dang computer!
I tag..... Erin Guymon, Kate Ball, and Camille Messick
I love Provo Canyon it is so pretty. You two are way cute. I really like anthropolgie too, I suscribe to the magazine and just stare at all the clothes I wish I could own.
I Love fall as well. Your scarf is so cute and perfect for fall. What cute photos. Can't wait to see the one from your friends camera. You are SO gorgeous girl!!!
Gorgeous pics Kate!! The scenery and the cute couple! :) Duh... you are going to have CUTE kids!! :) Loved your tag... LOVE you!!
Those pictures were great! It was fun to hang out with you guys last night, we are excited for the cruise!
I love tags. Such a fun way to journal random things. I loved reading all this fun stuff about you.
That is a long tag, and some of your responses crack me up! I'm afraid to admit it but one time I watched like four episodes in a row of America's next top model... good thing we only have two channels so I don't waiste too much time glued to the tv. Those are gorgeous pictures of you two, WOW and the scenery is beautiful!
Beautiful pictures and I loved reading all about you on your tag!:) I had a good laugh a few times! Thanks!
Way cute pictures!!
Your pictures are gorgeous, I LOVE the fall colors! That was fun to read!
Cute pictures Kate! I read your tag it made me laugh in quite a few places!!
Your post was so cute! I loved getting to know you a little bit more. And of course you looked gorgeous in your pics. You always do!
Great pics! You two really are too cute! Thanks for the nice comments and your prayers, it means a lot!
I love your pictures, they're so gorgeous. It was fun to read your tag, you're hilarious!
Hi Kate. You have a question about the pages. I do them with a Creative Keepsakes program (digital scrappin') I LOVE digital scrapbooking. It is so fast and easy. Another fun program is memory mixer and you can buy that at Roberts (with a 40 percent off coupon) Do you have an email? I need to ask you something, but I want to email you. Sure do love ya, and miss having you and Holly in my home!!!!
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