Sunday, May 15, 2011

mothers day.

Jeremy's parents came to visit over Mother's Day weekend.
So fun to have them.
London was in HEAVEN. 
She just loves her gma/gpa Call! 

Lance's beast of a burger.

before church on mothers day

Thanks for coming. It's always fun to have you guys :)

London is officially WALKING.
its crazy, and actually really exciting (i know.. i'll be eating my words eventually with the "exciting" talk, but for now, the newness of it is super fun)

I thought I would do a little update on her since it's been a while, and I want to remember what she was doing at her 1 year old mark! 

*she says "what's that" to just about everything.
*she is starting to point to everything when i ask her where something is.. 
her nose, light, mom, dad, Jesus (points to the picture of him)
*she is quite possibly the WORST eater EVER. pretty much hates everything, and throws a not so tiny fit every time i put her in her high chair
*has been LOVIN whole milk (thank goodness or she might be starving to death)
*barks like a dog when she sees a dog... or any animal for that matter
*she has 3 new teeth coming in (that will make a total of 7!)
*loves drinking out of a straw
*sleeps 12 hours at night, and still takes 2 naps
*loves to go to any and everyone.. not even the slightest bit shy
*loves to be read to and LOVES when i make animal noises 

so, to sum it up.. she's pretty much the greatest thing ever. 
even though i want to pinch her tiny bottom every time i have to put her in her high chair to attempt to feed her. :)

can't believe summer is here, just saying those words make me SMILE!!!

1 comment:

Jessie said...

Happy belated Mothers day Kate!

ps. your dress is darling!