First: 1/4 mile SWIM
Second: 10 mile BIKE
Third: 5K RUN
Thanks to my cute husband for taking me at 6 AM and cheering Savannah and I on the whole race. He was so cute telling me how proud he was ALL day. My biggest fan... even with the silliest stuff! You would think I finished an IRON MAN with how cute and excited he was being about the whole thing, everyone should have someone like that! LOVE that friend!

Get'n ready.. ready to run.. Ready to have some fun!! (song by Dixie Chics.. if you didn't catch me trying ot be clever Ü.. I know.. sad that I have to explain my jokes, nothing new though!) Look at our morning eyes!!

#49 and #118 BABY

Quick squeeze right before the very beginning of the race.. the swim portion!!! Please notice the HOT green sports bra under my swim suit!! I swam in it under my swimming suit so I could save time changing when I transitioned to the bike portion. Its a pretty foxy look though. ya??

Transitioning... Just finished 1/4 mile swim... getting ready for the 10 mile bike.

Cheesy Grin.. the biking was probably the most difficult for me because there was a really steep hill we had to climb and we actually had to do that hill 2 times throughout the race. I would much rather run up a hill than bike it!

Ending the race with a 5K run. FINISH!..... Could there be a more glorious word??? The GREATEST feeling ever to turn the corner and see that FINISH sign glowing... and to see the cutest guy there screaming my name!!

Yah SAVANNAH!! She did so great and helped me get ready for this so much!

My mother-in-law, Nancy, and sister-in-law, LaNae came to stay this weekend and we had so much fun! Shopping.. eating... shopping... eating.... gotta love it! It was so fun to have them here, and sad to see them go so soon!

Jeremy came home from a long day of work with a hand full daisys...he knows just what to do to make my day!

Last weekend Lace & Jared.. and "mister mister" (Keaton) came to stay!! There is nothing NOT to love about these two.. so fun, so funny.. and so easy to be around! They wanted to go to the Hogle Zoo.... so being the fun HOSTS that we are (totally kidding it was actually their idea).. we all went and had a blast.. Lacie and I both saw a GIRAFFE for the first time EVER.. we were AMAZED and took a ridiculously amount of pictures of the darn thing and it was horrible lighting so NONE of them even turned out.

You can't believe how funny we thought we were! Laughed until we balled! Not too uncommon when the Huls get together though.

You would have thought growing up we would have been enemies for life because of how different we are.. but it turns out Lacie is one of my very best friends and there are very few people I would rather spend time with. She is the sweetest person and I have a lot to learn from her.

When Jeremy found out they were coming he couldn't sleep for a couple of nights he was so excited! He LOVES having company.. I love it just as much, but his excitement affects him physically, he can't contain himself. And we were both just as sad when they left.. stay longer next time!
Wow- I am impressed! What a woman! Congrats on the triathlon that it amazing.
How great that you and your sister are so close, gotta love sisters! :)
Congratulations on the triathlon!! Maybe someday I will, I am just a little intimidated by the swimming:) That is awesome! It really is the BEST feeling to finish something you have worked hard at!
I am so proud of you! I wish I could run, but I did a 5k once and I swear my ovaries were about to fall out. I want to do a bike-a-thon someday though that would be a blast.
We just went to the Hogle Zoo. I love the giraffes they have there. It looks like you had lots of fun.
So guess who just moved in next door to me...Brady Adams and his cute wife. Weird huh?
Oh how I miss you. I chuckle at your little jokes. You type how you talk which makes your blog fun to read. I call my little guy "mister mister" all the time too. Lets get together sometime.
Way to go Kate! You are awesome! I want to do things like that but chicken out! I start sweating thinking about exercising!HA!
Looks like you have had lots of fun! Oh I miss Lacie! I agree with what you said about her! She is definitely one of the sweetest girls!!
How fun! I love that your husband got all excited with you in this race. It's so great to be married! Great job too!!
Triathlon-that is so awesome! You're an incredible, motivated person and I’m so happy you found your perfect guy. It’s also neat that your doctor was a sponser of such an important event. Reading your blog inspires me, you are really amazing!
Congrats!! That is quite an accomplishment, I wish I was that motivated!
How fun Kate... you and your "friend" are two peas in a pod, getting so excited about things! I la-la-LOVE it!!! :) I miss ya sweetie!
Nice work Kate! Wish I would have known and I would have come joined ya... I always need some motivation to work out! Those cinnamon bears aren't enough sometimes:) Hope we can see you this week. I'll keep you posted about coming to Utah this week. Luv you friend!
What a woman! You actually do make that sound like fun! I can't believe that your husband is so excited to get visitors. Oh, how I wish MY husband had that virtue!! Cute pictures of you and Lacie. I also love my sisters. They are the best friends you could ask for.
Your awesome Katie. You have just inspired me. Maybe I will run the Triathlon with you next year....What a good way for me to lose the baby weight!
How fun and I am proud of you! I can't run to the mailbox! You did great. Your life is full of people and purpose! I love that!
Hey it is so good to hear from you I had no idea that you had a blog. Yes of course I do remember you. Your dad was also our stake president.
I would have to disagree with you though, I would say that it was always a compliment to me.
You are so sweet thanks for the comment he is so much fun. You don't see Adam in him at all do you? LAL!
I hope you don't mind but I am going to add you to my list of blogger friends, I am an addict! Thanks for commenting, it will be fun to keep up with whats new in your life.
By the way you looked so beautiful on your wedding day I still remember that glow you had.
Love this post! So fun! I'm impressed you did a triathlon, that is so cool! I'm proud of myself for doing a dang 5k so major props to you! It looks like you're doing well and enjoying life. You look so cute and tan!
Congrats on the triathalon!!! I am looking to do a mini one like that so if you hear of another one in the area let me know! I had a patient of mine do an ironman & totally inspired me to want to do a mini one!
We had Matt and Cassie Hodge over the other night and I was blogging and told them I was obsessed. They told us you were too, so we decided to see what you two were up to. You are awesome to do that race, I'd like to aspire to that some day. Nicole's whole family loves to do those types of things. You guys have the cutest blog. It looks like your having more fun than ever!
Thanks for all your sweet and encouraging comments on my photog! I really appreciate it1 I did do Heidi and Brooke's pic's. You can see them on my photog blog by clicking under gallery under families, then toggle down until you see them!:) Thanks for looking!
Wow miss! You are amazing! I am too lazy and fat and outta shape to ever see myself doing a triathalon, I can't even run to the mailbox! :) You look great! Glad you two crazies are having fun, love ya!
Wow! A triathlon, impressive! It was good seeing you on Sunday!
Hey this is BIRD!! How in the heck are you? I found your blog through a friend of a friends. Anyway just thought I would say hello. Congrats on the triathlon! You are amazing. Anyway my blog is
I would love to take your pictures! Call me and will will figure it out-
or you can email,
Wow! You are quite the athlete, I was worn out just reading about your triathlon! I am glad that you found our blog! I am totally addicted to blogging as well and I hope to hear from you guys again!
You inspire me!! I would absolutely love to do a sprint triathlon, but I am a chicken!
Wow Katie that is awesome way to go! I ran the 5k on the 4th and that about killed me ha ha. Sounds like you had a fun weekend! Yeah I will surely tell Aaron hi for ya. If you haven't already seen it, their blog is Hope is all well! lOVE YA!
So I finally caught up on your blog. (my blog doesn't tell me when you post... maybe you can change your settings to do that, please!) You are hilarious. I love that you did a triathlon! You and Jeremy are so funny... sorry to hear about the train! And thanks for posting pictures of Charley. She is darling.
Looks like you have been quite the busy girl lately. Wow, a triathlon! go #49! You have inspired me (not to run a triathlon...just to work out!) Looks like you had tons of fun with your visitors!
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