Not the most pleasant picture to post on a blog... but I've never had a mosquito bite quite like this one and it was too good NOT to share. Jeremy keeps telling me I have the West Nile Disease... I know.. not funny. But I think I really may be allergic to the buggers!
I wish this picture was a little more clear.. The inside of the bite is real curdely and bumpy.. and it has made my whole ankle swell... SICK! But Jeremy reassures me I will survive, so no sympathy cards are needed yet Ü
The same thing happens to me!!! I have been eaten ALIVE out here and I'm only outside for a few minutes! AHHH! I heard putting a dryer sheet in your pocket helps keep them away... I'm going to try... I'll let you know.
I love how you are so real! I always laugh reading your blog because I feel like I am talking to you and you make me laugh! Just let me know if a sympathy card is needed!
You make me laugh! I worry about that same thing since I wear loads of bug spray, but seem to get 5-10 huge bites every time I go out golfing, on a walk, swimming, whatever. I must smell very good in the mosquito world!
I just got the name of your blog... your last name (very clever!). I'm a little slow!
Hee, hee.I bet that itches like crazy! If you need me to send you a sympathy card let me know!
Ps I'm really glad I got see you when I was in Iona. You look so good and happy!
I am prous to tell you that I have NEVER been bit by a mosquito since I moved to Cedar City!! Then I come to IF to visit and I look like I have an infectious disease! HA! Maybe you should have that looked at?! HA!:)
Yummy! Thanks for sharing :)
Kate, I love your blog. Sorry about the mosquito bite. I always get bitten and Ife never does. He says it's because us white people have too sweet of blood. Ha Ha. Anyway, I love the cedar chest too. You're amazing.
Hate those thing. Went on the trek and they were big enough to carry you away. Other than that, everything else ok? Love ya!
that does look kinda gross but i'm sure you'll live. hopefully it will go away and then you dont have to worry about it.
don't die on me!!! I NEED YOU!
Oh sad...I had 8 or so, and I started to get headaches and my glands were swollen, but it went away, so I might have had west nile...who knows.. Good luck with the healing! Lots and lots of Gold Bond.
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