Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Overdue London Update

I haven't done an update on London is a LONG time! And I know I'll be sad if I don't write some of this down for me to remember. I know I'll forget most of what I love about her age right now, but at least this will get me started. Most of it is just silly little stuff, but she changes so much so fast that I want to remember some of the small silly stuff that doesn't last long. I usually don't have the patience to write long blog posts, but this one is worth my time and patience! But just a warning that it might not be worth your time and patience to take the time to read :)

She is almost 21 months
Weighs about 22lbs

*She still has her pacifier at night, but never asks for it during the day and knows its for babies when they are sad, or just for night night time. I haven't even begun the thought process of weening her from it at night.
*She has a play set of spoons and little pink bowls that she carries EVERYWHERE with her. In the car, on walks, in her crib.. everywhere.
*She says please and thank you
*When I lay down on the couch she goes to her crib and gets her favorite "ga" (blankie) and puts it by my face.
*kisses my stomach and says "bebe"
*Still loves drinking milk from a bottle.. even though she drinks every other liquid out of a sippy cup.
* She has a shoe obsession, just like her dad. She plays in my closet of shoes for a while every single day without fail. She likes to have them on even around the house.
*She still loves people. Says hi to everybody in the elevator and in all the stores.. and says it until they acknowledge her and say hi back.
*When Jeremy changes her stinky diaper, he fake dry-heaves... so now every time she has stinkers on she comes to me with a diaper and dry-heaves.
*Her favorite book is "That's What a Friend Is", and all of the Dr Seuss books.
* She does all the actions to: popcorn popping, itsy bitsy spider, if your happy and you know it, once there was a snowman, patty cake.
* We sing her I am a Child of God every night when she goes to bed, so she associates it with bedtime, and actually loves it at night, but if we sing it during the day or if she hears it during church or somewhere else, she bursts out in tears and cries until its over and then she is completely fine.
* She loves going to the daycare a the gym while i work out. When she sees me in my work out gear, she runs to the door and says "toys".
* loves having her fingernails painted. She'll sit on my lap and let me paint them and help me blow on them while they dry.
* She LOVES going to nursery at church (I don't know if her or i love it more!).. she sometimes cries when i go to pick her up to leave.
* She has picked up hitting a little bit. Slapped me in the face in church last Sunday actually. So time outs are a close acquaintance these days :)   She knows that shes not suppose to hit because she'll come up after and rub my face really soft and pull my face to hers so i'll kiss her.
* LOVES swimming in the ocean. The water is FREEZING right now, but she doesn't seem to mind. Her lips will turn purple and start shivering uncontrollably before acting like she wants to get out.
*She loves grapes and oranges, and thats about it as far as food goes. Stinker! But we are working on it and she is doing better and better at trying and liking new things.
*Her favorite show is Curious George, and makes his monkey sound all the time.
*She knows when kids are younger than her or around her same age, and loves to boss them around "no no no, mine!".. so naughty. But she doesn't do that with kids older/bigger.
*Jeremy and I love to put on music and try to get her to dance, she has no rhythm and its hilarious. She sure gives it a go though.
*She has started biting her fingernails, makes me insane.
*She has 8 front teeth, 4 molars, and 1 canine just coming in (and hates getting her teeth brushed!)
*When she wants to leave the house she'll go get her shoes, and a pair of my shoes for me.
*Loves having her swimsuit on, even just around the house.
*She loves her baby doll and will wrap her up, sing to her, pat her back, and say "shhhhh, seepy".

I love learning her lingo. She says way more words than this.. pretty much tries to say everything we say.. but here are a few I want to remember.

Hocka = Socks

How = More

Ga = Blanket

toe toe = toes

tur tur = turtle

peeeese = please

tain tu = thank you

esus = Jesus

paa = pacifier

shish = fish

coooo = cookie

banana = nana

Goer = George (Curious George)

I know every parent feels this way... but she really is just the greatest thing in the world. Don't get me wrong, she makes me insane some days, but those moments never last long. I love having a "friend" with me all the time (except when i'm shopping, she's become a horrid shopping partner!) Jeremy and I are a broken record.. its ridiculous how many times we look at each other and say how great she is and how lucky we are. I know that makes me sound like i'm trying to say our life is bliss and our child is perfect. its not. but its close, and we are so lucky to have each other :)  I can't imagine loving anyone else as much as I love D and Germ, but people say it happens.. so this baby girl on her way may have some hope. I'm kidding, I know I'll feel the same way about her as I do London, and I just can't wait.

we just love you "bubba es d"... obsessed really. 


Camille said...

That child. Is incredible. End of story. Can't wait to meet the next little beauty!

Molly Hartzell said...

B is OBSESSED with Curious George! She brings me the Wii-mote and makes the monkey sound. So funny. I adore this age! And I'm so stoked you guys are having another girl! So so fun. Congratulations!

Holly said...

She is the greatest Kate! Just like her momma! :) Why didn't she come see us at Christmas time? Hope you get in to the Ellen show for the Mothers Day show...wouldn't that be the greatest! EEEK! ;)

VicandNanc said...

This is a really good update! She sounds adorable. I need to get on the ball with this sort of stuff. I'll go do it right now so I don't forget again!Thanks :)

Mandy said...

Kate, what a precious post. You are an amazing mother! And your sweet baby D
is too precious.

chaseandbrookefam said...

Kate, that was the funnest blog to read. My sweet little London is getting so big. Thanks for the update and fun pictures. You're so stinkin cute. Your baby bump is still so tiny.... As Jeremy would say. ha ha I miss you guys. Give London a big hug and kiss for me..