Sunday, January 17, 2010

its here..

the bump has definitely arrived.
and other than my pants quickly becoming a BIT .understatement. snug these days.. 
i can't say i mind it too much..
its fun/amazing to physically see and think about her growing everyday
24 weeks...
i'm feeling great.. almost completely over the sickness. 
thank heavens! 
i have more energy now than i have had in MONTHS,
i just might consider a baby #2 someday now that i know i'm going to survive this one :)

lets just say shopping and preparing for baby girls is dangerous business..
SO much fun stuff.. its pretty ridiculous. 

She is moving around like a mad woman, 
& I'm positive I put my husband and my family over the edge with my constant 
"oh oh oh.. come here.. come feel/see her move!"

... i'll enjoy the kicking and moving now because i'm sure in a couple of months that will turn into wanting to spank that bottom of hers for constantly kicking my ribs at all hours of the night, right moms?!

oh yeah.. fun lil tid bit for ya..
i've been blessed with the ..
protruding pregnancy belly button. 
its been a slight adjustment to get use to seeing that pointy little friend through my shirt everyday.
if it sticks out this far when i'm only 24 weeks.. you better watch out when i'm full term..
 it might poke your eye out. not kidding.


Bon said...

ummmm....still waiting for the bump pix. If that is a bump you need an eye doctor! HA!:) You look so beautiful!

Cassi said...

I've been hoping you'd post some pictures, even if it is just a tiny bump. Can't wait to see all the clothes you are buying the little diva! We need to schedule another cabin weekend and make it happen this time. Miss you guys!

Unknown said...

I love the pictures! So fun. My 24-week picture was taken tonight and I look huge ha ha. It is a lot of fun though!

Ryan & Amanda said...

So exciting to hear the updates! Buying stuff for little girls is definitely risky business, but is soo much fun! That is why Alli had enough clothes for a whole family of girls, it is all so cute! I think you should post some pics of your great finds! I love the pics, you have a tiny bump, so cute! You may want to spank her little bum eventually, but I actually loved all of Alli's movements (and there were a ton, I think I was like you driving Ryan crazy with my excitement) it's pretty exciting knowing she's alive in there! We're so happy for you guys, hope to see you soon!

Jason and Bri Walker said...

I can't believe that's all you have for a bump! It is SOOO much fun to shop for little girls! And the way they go through clothes in the beginning, you can NEVER have too much! :)

nicole said...

You look so stinkin adorable!

crystal carlson said...

What a cute little baby bump you have! All that shopping for girl stuff sounds fun to me--I could definitely see how it's dangerous though! I hope you continue to feel well!

Ryan,Erika,Kaylee and Khloe Pettersson said...

My tummy was TWICE as big when I was 15 weeks.....gosh I don't know how are you so tiny!! And kicking ribs sucks, but there is nothing like pushing on your lungs so you feel like you can't breathe: ). they are worth of every single minute of pregnancy & delivery, sleepless nights and much more! You'll see soon enough: )

Ashley said...

Hahaha, your so cute!!! And SOOO little! LOVE IT!

Anonymous said...

You are a little ridiculous claiming you have a hump! But it still feels like a hump to you! So Congratulations! And at least you know you aren't going to have a problem losing the weight afterward! You're almost there!

Anonymous said...

I have chills I am so excited for you! & please keep posting pix of that darling belly of yours as your pregnancy progresses. You are too darn cute. & don't fear the belly button. Mine did the same thing with Chandler & I was terrified of what it would look like at week 40 or of it would ever even go away but low and behold my innie was back in no time after I became a Mommy. Love you Katie!

Hanna in the Hizzzouse.. said...

Oh my heck, you are too darn cute for words little bit! You are going to make such a good mommy, and shopping for little girls is serious business!! I can't get enough of the baby boutique. They know me by name now! YIKES!

Meradith said...

That looks more like after a night at Tucanos to me! :) But yay for belly bumps!! The whole process is pretty surreal, I totally hear what you are saying about loving seeing the changes. We need to see you guys!! Miss you!

Amber said...

Holy cow that bump is tiny for 24 wks! You look so cute, I bet you are just so excited

jenna said...

my eyes hurt from trying to squint to see it. i still don't.

getting so excited for you. ahhh!

Anonymous said...

Kate, you crack me up!!! You are so stinkin tiny, I was straining my eyes to see a bump. You look great and I know what you mean about being excited for the bump before that point I wanted to staple a sign on my forehead saying, "I'm not just getting fat I'm pregnant". That is great that she is already so active, it sounds like she is going to be a healthy beautiful baby!

Amber Sibbett said...

What a tiny little bump for being 24 weeks!:) You look fantastic! But you have ALWAYS been gorgeous!

-- said...

you are the tiniest cutest pregnant lady I know. I think I have a bump that big and I am not pregnant...I'm so excited for you guys

Josh and Amanda Duvall said...

hahahaha, you call that a bump!! I have more of a bump then you and I'm not even pregnant! :) But I do see what you mean by a "bump" because your stomach is typically flatter then a board. You look amazing!

Leah Stallings Fine Art Photography said...

Haha! I am glad you are feeling better! I hope your button looks better than mine did! I swear it flipped totally inside out (can a button do that?) Good luck you look great!